According to our “Know Your Client” policy all individuals related to the ordered services including beneficial owners*, directors/managers, shareholders/members and their representatives, who placed orders for them are required to send the following documents** to our office.
All documents must be in English or accompanied by certified English translations. Electronic (scanned) copies of the documents are acceptable.
Copy of the valid passport (photo and signature pages).
Copy of one of the following documents: utility bill, bank statement or credit card statement, no older than 3 months or valid driver’s licence (both sides) or lease agreement.
Complete and sign the business description and declaration form. This form is mandatory for all orders.
Prepare scanned copies of your documents according to the following requirements:
Upload scanned copies of all documents to our server via a secure SSL link you received from our company.
* Beneficial owner is the individual who benefits from ownership of a company regardless of who holds title.
** Our company could request any additional information and documents required for verification of identities of all persons included in your order at our discretion. When all requested documents and information are received and verified, the order is accepted and our company starts processing of the order.
*** Documents prepared incorrectly are not acceptable.